servalsurf - original nyaanpon design concept
These extensions were coded by the Lorekeeper community and are now a part of core Lorekeeper.
Admin Edit Buttons by Preimpression
Alias Logins by Moif
Bootstrap Tables by Preimpression
Comments by Preimpression & Ne-wt
Deactivate Account by Preimpression
Extension Tracker by Preimpression (This page/the section below!)
Masterlist Sublists by Junijwi
Pagination Page Selector by Speedy and Moif
Stacked Inventories by Draginraptor
Submission Addons by itinerare
Submission Drafts by Preimpression
User Transfer Reasons by Snupsplus
Aliases on Userpage by Speedy (Disabled)
Auto-populate New Image Traits by itinerare (Disabled)
Captcha (v3) by itinerare (Disabled)
Character Prev and Next by Speedy (Enabled)
Character Rewards by Preimpression (Enabled/Character Owner)
Character Status Badges by Junijwi (Enabled)
Character TH Profile Link by Junijwi (Disabled)
Collapsible Admin Sidebar by ScuffedNewt (Disabled)
Design Update Voting by itinerare (Enabled)
Gravatar by ScuffedNewt (Disabled)
Group Traits by Category by Preimpression (Enabled)
Item Entry Expansion by itinerare (Enabled/Enabled)
MYO Image Removal by itinerare (Disabled)
Navbar News Notif by Junijwi (Enabled)
Organised Traits Dropdown by Draginraptor (Disabled)
Scroll to Top by Preimpression (Enabled)
Show All Recent Submissions by Speedy (Disabled)
Species Trait Index by itinerare (Enabled)
Staff Rewards by itinerare (Enabled)
Watermarking by itinerare (Disabled)
Watermarking - Image Automation by Speedy (Disabled)
Watermark Resizing by Speedy (Disabled)/(Disabled)
These extensions have been added to this site.