You can search the FAQ by tag, category, or keyword. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to staff.

What can I post in the community resources gallery?

You may post virtually anything community specific that is for other community members to use! You may post PSP species bases, pet bases, mount bases, Toyhou.se codes/HTML, page decor(such as favicons/mini sprites, stamps, and page dividers), and so much more! 

All content must be PSP community specific and can be free or paid to use
Last Updated: 2 months and 6 days ago

Does my art add worth to my PSP character's value?

Yes, however there are restrictions. Commissioned art you get of your PSP character adds whatever monetary value you paid; please keep records of this for appraisal. Traded art you recieve from others in art trades, events, games, etc do not add monetary value to your PSP character. Gifts you recieve do not add monetary value to your PSP character. Your own art you make for yourself of your PSP character can add monetary value, the set amount for each art piece added (clean and colored only, sketches -colored or not- do not count) is $5USD this is for everyone. Your own prices for your art, your "skill level",  or art style have no involvement in the set price your own art contributes to your PSP character's monetary value. Unfortunately this is the best way we could conceive for personal art to add vaule (unlike most CS) and be fair to everyone.
Last Updated: 2 months and 6 days ago

Can a PSP character's masterlist value be updated?

A PSP character's listed value on their masterlist entry can be updated. To do this, you must get your PSP character appraised by site staff/admins. You may only request an appraisal if you're about to sell your PSP character. An appraisal can be requested by filing a claim. If you are found to be lying about any commissioned arts worth to inflate your Nyaanpon's value, you are very likely to be banned.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I change my PSP character's trade or sale status?

Go to your character's settings and click "edit profile" scroll to the bottom and you will find a "up for trade" toggle, you can toggle this on or off! There is not a specific toggle for sales unfortunately, so this toggle means both trade and sale, or either.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I add my PSP character to the gift art/gift writing search?

Go to your character's settings and click "edit profile" scroll to the bottom and you should see the gift art and writing options, select the one you wish to add to your character and then click the edit profile button to save the changes, your character can now be found (or removed from) the gift art or writing advanced search!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I find PSP characters that are for sale/trade on the site?

Visit the main masterlist page, and click "advanced search" then click "any trading status" when clicked, the option should say "open for trade" you may add other search factors such as traits or designers as well to narrow down your search. Click the "search" button, and now all the PSP characters that show up under this search are open for trade or sale! Unfortunately the search is non-specific, so one PSP character shown could be for trade while the rest are for sale.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Do I need to make an account on the site to own a PSP character?

Yes. A PSP character must be added to the site Masterlist to be considered an official PSP character. A PSP character uploaded to the site must be credited to a site owner, so therefore in order to own a valid, official PSP character, you must make an account on this website.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Do I need a PSP character to register on the site or join the discord?

You do not need your own PSP character to join or participate in most events/fun! We welcome you to join the site or discord even without one!!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I deactivate my account? How?

Yes, in your user settings on the bottom most option on the left sidebar. You may reactivate your account at any time
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I change my alias?

Add a new alias and then delete your old one
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I add an alias?

Via your user settings! On the left sidebar, click "aliases" and then simply log in with your desired account
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What are factions?

Factions are like clans! We use them for the end of the year art fight event here on site!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What is the home location in my user settings?

It allows you to "live" within certain places in the site's world! It is purely cosmetic and for fun
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

My question wasn't answered here, where can I find more support?

You can ask any other questions you have in our discord! We have a general help channel and a private ticket system. You may also email us but please only do so if you absolutely cannot access discord.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I appeal if I get banned?

You are able to appeal by emailing us or contacting KittyKibbles on discord. Appeals are granted on a case by case basis and you are not guaranteed an appeal to your ban by contacting us.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What happens to my MYO slots if I get banned?

Your MYO slots are frozen/deleted. You are not entitled to any refunds or cash payouts for any MYOs that you paid real world money for.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What happens to my currencies and items if I get banned?

When you are banned all of your currencies and items are frozen on your account; essentially deleted. You are not entitled to any refunds or cash payouts for currencies or items that you paid real world money for.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What happens to my PSP characters if I get banned?

Your PSP characters and pets are still owned by you, but are voided and deleted from this website. They are no longer official PSP characters and are considered fan characters.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can someone who is banned from the site own or receive a PSP character MYO?

No. Anyone who is banned from this website is essentially blacklisted, do not trade or sell them any PSP charcaters, or you could potentially be banned as well. All banned users can be found in the site blacklist
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I be a designer?

Designers are hand picked/invited by site owners and admins. Please do not ask to be selected as a designer.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

When do guest artist applications open?

Guest artist applications open once every 3 months. You may apply to become a guest artist but no one is guaranteed to be selected. If you are not selected for a guest artist term, you are welcome to re-apply as many times as you like!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

I tried to update my profile image and the page turned white!

Don't worry! Your profile photo was successfully updated, close the page and reopen our website to see your awesome new photo
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I sell PSP currencies for Money?

No. If anyone is found to be selling/buying any species currencies for real life money they will be warned, and after enough times, banned.
The only exception is with paid currencies (eg. Pop Rocks). In that instance, those currencies can only be sold for their monetary worth (eg. 50 Pop rocks can not be sold for more than $50USD) If you are found to be selling/buying premium species currencies for an inflated worth, you could be banned.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I trade for currencies?

Yes absolutely! You may seek or offer any site currency for a good or service such as art, characters, and items.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

How do I earn currency?

Cherries can be earned in a variety of ways! The most common ways are to draw art of a PSP character and submit a prompt for Cherry Tree or participate in events!
Star Pearls can be obtained by crafting with Cherries
Pop Rocks can be bought here! Pop Rocks can only be bought, or earned from events.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What are Pop Rocks?

Pop Rocks are a premium paid currency for Nyaanpons! They are used to buy items, MYOs, pets, and other things on the site!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What are Star Pearls?

Star Pearls are a secondary free currency! They can be obtained by crafting with cherries. They are used to buy Trait items, MYOs, pets, and other site items.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What are Cherries?

Cherries are the basic species currency for PSP! They are used to purchase traits, MYOs, and other things on the site.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Why can't I trade my MYO?

Your MYO is not valid yet! You must go to your inventory,  select your MYO, and then click "use slot"!  Your MYO will now be available on the MYO masterlist and ready to be traded!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

My design submission was rejected/canceled. Why? What do I do?

MYO design request rejections/cancelations always have reasons listed for why! The easiest way to find support for this is to reach out in our discord and filing a ticket in the help board channel, a staff member will help you get your MYO approvable/find out more specifically why you were rejected.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can someone else design my MYO for me?

Yes! Anyone can design your MYO for you. Be sure anyone you have do this for you understands the trait limitations for the specific MYO type or PSP species in general. If you paid to have your MYO designed, be sure to mention for how much when you upload the design for approval!
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

I want to add a trait that isn't on site to my MYO/PSP character, can I do this?

No, you may only add traits that already exist on the site traits list. However, if you have a trait idea you would like to see added, visit our discord and mention your idea in the suggestions channel.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

What traits can I use on my MYO?

You can use as many traits as you like (unless conflicting) of the same rarity as your MYO. You may also use any/as many traits as you'd like that are a lower rarity than your MYO. If you want a higher rarity trait, you must buy the corresponding item(s) to be able to use the trait. Your MYO will stay the same rarity reguardless of any higher traits added. (eg. If you buy a Crescent Moon and buy Mythical traits to add to it, your MYO will stay a common rarity). Unless using a Switcher potion.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Can I trade or sell my MYO?

You may trade your MYO! You may sell your MYO for whatever the sale value is! If you are buying a MYO, always check the sale value to ensure you are not overpaying.
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

Where Can I get a MYO?

MYOs can be bought in the MYO Shop !
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago

I didn't receive an email after registration

Please check your spam folder and "all mail" folder or search "nyaanpons" in your email searchbar
Last Updated: 2 months and 4 weeks ago
36 results found.