The science faire

In Events ・ By Shakespear
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With a faint tapping of claws and a scratch as the creature sets its paw onto the door, it pushes outward opening the door with a shrill but slow squeak of the hinges. Before entering into the rather busy building the nyaanpon would sigh, reach another paw up to fix his glasses and frowns a bit before going ahead and stepping into the loud and busy room. It would look around and see many other creatures busily talking, walking, and running around as well as a good amount of tables lining the area, topped with projects of all shapes and sizes and a few science displays adorning the building.

It would slowly turn as it continued to walk, towards an empty table and set it’s own project down, a makeshift technical device. The creature would then fish out a small info pamphlet about his project and sets it on the table near its project before turning around with its back to the table and starts wandering around, looking at each project it passes and science display it sees. He’d stop for a break at one of the science displays to lean against it and rest for a few moments as another nyaanpon would almost knock him over running around excitedly the first one almost loosing its glasses off its face in the process. 

With a frown he’d fix his disheveled glasses to be straight on his face, and turns to the other creature with a glower, and growling at the other, he would raise his tail and turn away. Walking back over to  his project table, the creature would huff and raise a paw to tinker with a few more things added and taken away before the nyaanpon sighs in content at his work and goes off to look at more of the other creatures projects. Soon it would walk into some sort of cafe and orders something to eat for the day.

After he orders his food the nyaapon would go off with the food and sit in a nice secluded spot to eat and enjoy its time to itself. Meanwhile the other nyaapon has been running around chattering excitedly at every fair goer it comes across, save for the one it bumped into! That one was scary, it even growled at it! But oh, it’s lunch time, so it decides to run off to the food area to fuel up. After picking the COOLEST thing on the menu it excitedly runs over to an empty spot and hops into it to eat its food, excitedly continuing to chatter away with other creatures similar to itself but different, some even looked like bugs!

Bugs and space science is so super cool! The creature would think before finishing its meal and heading out of the noisy food court, and excitedly running past a couple of judges and to its own table with its created project. As time passed on, soon it would be his turn to get judged, but while its project was being judged, another creature would move past it and almost knock it down in the process. While it did, it would growl at the exited one and the creature would realize it was the scary one and pointed that out, afraid of what might happen. But the scary one just huffs at him and turns away, fixing its glasses as the judge would follow it to its own project.

Later, after every project at the fair was judged. One of them would walk over to the first nyaapon and hand it a shined golden trophy, which he’d take gratefully, and smirk at the second nyaapon knowingly. The second one would sigh before sadly taking its science project off the table and leaving.

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The science faire
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In Events ・ By Shakespear

This will be my first story submitted here,hope it's ok! 

Submitted By Shakespear for Science ShenanigansView Favorites
Submitted: 7 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 7 months and 1 week ago

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