First pet adoption
With a faint tapping sound of claws on a hard rock like surface, checkers would pad through a busy strip mall looking around and passing glass windows with some type of bags, knick knacks, trinkets, and supplies behind them. While passing them the creature would smile to themselves before continuing on through the strange place, soon coming across a supply store it was looking for, and turns to walk into it.
As checkers wanders around the store, looking at the supplies and accessories interesting it, passing a few creatures similar to itself. It would bump into a loose pet seemingly up to no good, checkers would smile and pat it, offering for it to come with them. Soon, as time went by, it would come across a few select bags containing some sort of pet food as well as bedding and toiletries for some specific creature.
Grabbing what it needed it would go to pay the cherry price, and leave walking out of the store and back into the crowded strip mall. As the ‘pon continued through the odd looking mall, checkers would continue to window shop until it was time to head back to its home. As it was heading home, past tons of other ‘pons, the ‘pon would walk the long way, leading its new troublemaking friend, just to have a bit more time to itself and its friend to review what it has bought. While suddenly turning and walking into an ally type of area that seemed to have a couple of cans on the sides, it would slide the products back into its bag, the bag had a black back on it, and a checker pattern on the back pocket as well as rainbow zippers. A bunch of buttons and patches were also on the bag.
Smiling to itself it continues on through the ally and turns into another ally to walk through, still leading its little Cotten-like friend checkers would grab the little middle and would turn, having to hop over a wall blocking its way stumbling a bit on the top over the edge but hops down gracefully with a thump and sets its little friend down and, trotting to the end the the alleyways and into a grassy area with a couple of house looking buildings as well as odd fences and plant life, decor and other ‘pons some seemingly busy doing things. Checkers would sigh and frown again as it would walk on down the street and towards where it calls its home, opening the door by pushing it with a paw, and walking in turns around to shut it back.
The creature would then go over to the kitchen and start pulling stuff out of the bag at had, things spilling out and onto the floor. It scrambled around to pick things up and set them into storage, right where the items belong. Checkers would then look at its little miffle friend and lead it to the could for a nice long couch nap.
Submitted By Shakespear
for Quality Time
Submitted: 6 months and 3 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months and 3 weeks ago