
Curled Tongue

Curled Tongue (Uncommon)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
A tightly curled tongue
Related items: BOl5f1RsKA52-image.png
Forked Tongue(MUN)

Forked Tongue(MUN) (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Added with Bluetail
Fur Tongue

Fur Tongue (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Added with Cactus Pepper
Goopy Tongue

Goopy Tongue (Uncommon)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
A slimy, gooey toungue
Related items: 
Octopus Tongue

Octopus Tongue (Mythical)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Added with Fried Squid
Ripped Tongue

Ripped Tongue (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Added with Wirp Fish
Multi Tongue

Multi Tongue (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Added with Jelly Fish
Worm Tongue

Worm Tongue (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
thin, wormlike tongues in a chomper or munchie's mouth


Added with Sea-Slugpuffs
Glitch Tongue

Glitch Tongue (Epic)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
Glitchy/holographic tongue. can be used with other tongue types
Sparkle Tongue

Sparkle Tongue (Uncommon)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
sparkly tongue!! used on top of another tongue type


Added with Sun Berries
Cloud Tongue

Cloud Tongue (Rare)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
cloud/smoke tongue
Carnivore Tongue

Carnivore Tongue (Mythical)

Category: Chomper Tongues
Species: Munchies
a long, thin tongue with an opening on the end and rows of carnivorous teeth inside
14 results found.