
Gachapon Tail

Gachapon Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
a gachapon toy capsule for a tail! 


Added with Dango
Swirl Tail

Swirl Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
a shaped, tightly swirled tail. separate from curled tail and can not unfurl


Added with Xtra Fizz
Aquatic Tail

Aquatic Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
the tail of any* aquatic creature


*some exclusions may apply
Added with Fish Berries
Weather Tail

Weather Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
any weather effect around the tail of a nyaanpon. must be used with another tail trait, not by itself


Added with Cloud Candy
Cloud Tail

Cloud Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
one section of clouds making up a tail! to mimic the shape of another tail trait, that tail trait must also be used. for two or more cloud sections, floating tail must be used


Added with Bottled Clouds

Item/Assorted (Mythical)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
any* item or shape that is not an electronic device , a keychain, or an existing tail shape


*Some exclusions may apply
Added with Peake's Lemonade
Extra Big/Long

Extra Big/Long (Mythical)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Monster subtype)
a very large and/or a very long tail


Added with Cake Mushroom
Floating Tail

Floating Tail (Mythical)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
a tail with floating parts or sections (excluding Weather tail)


Added with Hover Fries
Tamagotchi Tail

Tamagotchi Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Tamagotchi subtype)
a functional tamagotchi device as a tail!


Added with Candy Apple
Zombie Tail

Zombie Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie subtype)
Any tail that the flesh is rotting from. must be used with another tail trait, not by itself


Added with Cursed Book
Worm Tail

Worm Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Insect subtype)
a squishy tail with small bumps/sections. can have no legs at all, or 2 tiny legs on the last section. must have 4 - 6 sections. 1-3 sections needs short tail. more than 6 sections needs extra big/long tail


Added with Grub Gummies
Dragon Tail

Dragon Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
a thick, tapered tail with either a poof of fur or pointed tip on the end. can have spines or fur/hair on the ridge of the tail. can have scales (no need for scales trait)


Added with Dragon's Breath
Bone Tail

Bone Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie subtype)
sections of bone or 1 bone as a tail. can not be a whole skeleton


Added with Ancient Snake Fossil
Wolf Tail

Wolf Tail (Common)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
fluffy wolf tail
Bun Tail

Bun Tail (Common)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
short, round tail
Cat Tail

Cat Tail (Common)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
long, thin, feline tail
Manta Tail

Manta Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
long, thin tail with a pointed tip
Cow Tail

Cow Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
long, thin tail with a puff of fur on the end
Dragon Tail(TAE)

Dragon Tail(TAE) (Mythical)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
dragon tail


Added with Dragon's Breath
Element Tail

Element Tail (Rare)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
elemental tail for a taechie
49 results found.