Whiskers (Common)
Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
2 to 3 thick whiskers sticking out from the sides of a nyaanpon's face. can also be added to the outside edges of ears, up to 8 individual ear whiskers allowed. Up to 6 individual face/cheek whiskers allowed
all inclusive max whisker count cannot exceed 14 individual whiskers
Moth Antennae (Epic)
Category: Head
LCD Screen (Epic)
Category: Head
Head Keychain (Epic)
Category: Head
Wire Brain (Epic)
Category: Head
instead of an organic brain, a nyaanpon's head is filled with a ball of tangled wires
Added with Starshine
Enchanted Capsule (Epic)
Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
a mini scene inside a nyaanpon's capsule. darkly colored scenes must use dark capsule
Added with Snow Globe
Dark Capsule (Epic)
Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
a darkly colored capslue. this trait only applies to the head and does not apply to gachapon tail
Added with Meteorite
Cracked Horns (Rare)
Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
Horns that are cracked and/or broken. must be used with another horn trait, not by itself
Added with Cactus Pepper
51 results found.