
Kitten Ears

Kitten Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyaanpons
Small kitten like ears. must be short and triangular
Tall Ears

Tall Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyaanpons
tall, triangular ears. around twice as tall as fox ears
Brain Ears

Brain Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyaanpons
brains can be seen inside a nyaanpon's ears - only available with capsule ears
Fox Ears

Fox Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyaanpons
pointed, triangular ears that are taller than kitten ears. they may be tufted at the tips
Capsule Ears

Capsule Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyaanpons
any ear that is made from the capsule skull and not flesh! must be used with another ear trait and not by itself
Lamb Ears

Lamb Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Taechies
cute, round lamb ears
Dog Ears(TAE)

Dog Ears(TAE) (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Taechies
floppy dog ears
Cat Ears(TAE)

Cat Ears(TAE) (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Taechies
Pointy cat ears
Pointy Ears

Pointy Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyampura
any pointy animal ears
Long Ears

Long Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Nyampura
any long animal ears
Prismatic Eyes

Prismatic Eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nyaanpons
iris is 2 seperate colors and pupil is a third, different color. must have neon eye highlights

Kawaii Eyes

Kawaii Eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nyaanpons
super cute eyes filled with shapes
Shadow Eyes

Shadow Eyes (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Taechies
eyes that are as dark as, or darker, than the shadow face

Whiskers (Common)

Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
2 to 3 thick whiskers sticking out from the sides of a nyaanpon's face. can also be added to the outside edges of ears, up to 8 individual ear whiskers allowed. Up to 6 individual face/cheek whiskers allowed

all inclusive max whisker count cannot exceed 14 individual whiskers

Antenna(ITO) (Common)

Category: Head
Species: Munchitos
Standard smooth antenna
Mite Horn

Mite Horn (Common)

Category: Head
Species: Munchitos
Small triangular horns on the back of a munchitos head
Round Chomper

Round Chomper (Common)

Category: Chompers
Species: Munchies
standard rounded chie chompers
34 results found.