October Mewsletter 2024
Posted 5 months and 2 days ago :: Last edited 5 months and 2 days ago by Meowits October meowers, and you know what that means!! time to get spooky
As always, starting off this month's news post with our featured character!!
The Life of the Party this month is:
Draw this character and submit to the Cherry Tree to earn extra cherries!! To give your character a chance at being selected, be sure to have gift art enabled on their profile!
The event this month is Spirit's Eve 2024!!
Our annual "Holloween" event makes a spooky comeback this year!! We need YOU, dear reader, to give us the best pumpkin carving designs you've got!
Q4 2024 Guest Artists
Congratulations to our newest guest artists for the Q4 term!! Please welcome:
Also welcoming our newest Designer Artist, Lycandoggy
Thank you to everyone who submitted an application!! Once again we received over 30 applicants and we are overjoyed at the interest for PSP GA!! We hope you're looking forward to this term's lovely designs this quarter just as much as we are!
October's Staff Pick!
PSP Staff will select a gallery image that we think deserves special attention! We love the artwork this community creates and desire to uplift creatives in our community- thank you so much for your contributions!!
This month's Staff Pick is:
By RadientLapis
Dev Log
-New species images in the Encyclopedia
Gameplay Edits
-Added Fusion Crystal and Crystal Fragment items
-Added Toolbox item
-Added Crystal Fragment to Paid Daily loot pool
-Added Crystal Fragment to Foraging loot pool
-Added Fusion Crystal crafting recipe
-Changed Pop Star Fusion prompt mechanics + prices
-lowered Cherry and Star Pearl item prices