Site News

Guest Artist Applications Q3 2024

Posted 5 days and 10 hours ago :: Last edited 3 days and 6 hours ago by Meow
Guest artist applications for Q3 are here!


!! Click here to apply !!


Guest artists will be announced in the July Mewsletter

June Mewsletter 2024

Posted 4 weeks and 1 day ago :: Last edited 4 weeks and 1 day ago by admin

happy june meowers!! 



june life of the party

Draw this site character and turn it in to Cherry Tree to earn extra cherries




Pride Party starts now!! The event will run until the start of July, then winners will be selected and featured in the August Mewsletter
prizes will be handed out before the feature



Site fixes + additions


Taechie design guide has been updated
Nyampura design guide added! Nyampura MYOs are now obtainable in the MYO shop
Toyhouse register is still broken, we are working on fixing it! This is not related to verifying your account with toyhouse
Paw/Tail/Head wings trait description edited to be clearer
Rainbow capsule trait description edited to be clearer
Whiskers trait description edited to be clearer


Thank you for reading!  75665343_nNViz7P3SVZxjys.png




May Mewsletter 2024

Posted 1 month and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 1 month and 4 weeks ago by admin

happy may meowers!! 


Hello meowers! We have a lot of small updates for this month


May life of the party

Draw this site character and turn it in to Cherry Tree to earn extra cherries




April Fool's event is ending May 4th, so get your entry in while you can to earn 10 Pop Rocks!!


New mini prompt; Happy Gweel will start on May 12th, so get ready!
The new MYO event has been postponed- We will wait until the last two species (Nyampura and Munchitos) have launched </3 we apologize to those who were excited. These two will launch very soon hopefully!



Site fixes + additions


Item index in the encyclopedia is fixed!! No more repeating or disappearing items!! >w<
Pets shop is fixed! You can now buy pets again
Toyhouse register is still broken, we are working on fixing it! This is not related to verifying your account with toyhouse
New activity added!! Higher or Lower
New activity added!!  Foraging (still wip, but functional)
Site mini clock is finally fixedand displays site time! The site's timezone is EST (USA Detroit)
New submission checklists have been added on MYO, design update, and prompt submissions!
New traits and a few new trait art assets added to Munchies, Munchitos, and Taechies


Thank you for reading! happy mother's day meowers 75665343_nNViz7P3SVZxjys.png




April Mewsletter 2024

Posted 2 months and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 months and 4 weeks ago by admin

Happy April Meowers!!

welcome to our first monthly mewsletter


Hello meowers!! We hope to keep everyone more updated with a monthly newsletter from now on! More things to come soon and get excited about



April Fool's event

Ongoing from now to April 30th!! Complete the prompt for event rewards!!
Find the event prompt here


guest artists

Please welcome our new (and returning) guest artists for this term!!


and our newest designers!

We hope you're just as excited as we are for these users' designs!!


upcoming myo event

We have another free MYO event coming up shortly!! You'll be able to obtain a Rare MYO of a nyaanpon, munchie, OR taechie, plus some extra items/currency!! Look out for the next news post to learn more


other news

here's a few smaller things of note to end off on!

- Art made for the discord art line game, "Star Gacha"(previously known as nyaan gacha) can now be submitted to the cherry tree prompt for site currency!
- Writing is now accepted for submissions to the cherry tree!
- All item prices have been significantly lowered!
- The featured character can now be seen on the homepage even when logged in!!


Thanks for tuning in!! see you next month

Snowball Fight!!

Posted 6 months and 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 months and 4 weeks ago by Meow

Snowball fight 2023 start!!
burgers v. fries


Team burgers: 3580 points /  team fries 3300 pointss

Guest Artist Applications

Posted 6 months and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 6 months and 3 weeks ago by Meow

Guest Artist applications are open!!


Term lasts 12/10/23 - 3/31/24 


Apply here!!

Snowball Fight 2023 Team Placement

Posted 7 months and 21 hours ago :: Last edited 7 months and 21 hours ago by Meow

Snowball fight!!



time for team placement! click here to join a team!!


🧊 team pick 🧊

Our annual art fight like snowball fight event starts on 12/2/2023!!


MYO event! Nov.20th-27 2023

Posted 7 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 7 months and 1 week ago by Meow

Finally!1 the nyaanpons free myo event is here! and it's a week long!!??



Read all about it on Toyhouse !! Tell your friends! bother your neighbours!! there's plenty of new alien creatures to be made!!


during the event, we will be giving away rare and up trait items on the discord !!

Spirit's Eve Event 2023

Posted 8 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 8 months and 1 week ago by Meow

Happy spirit's eve!! (halloween)


Please enjoy's first annual spirit's eve event!!


click here for prompt

Borger Day

Posted 1 year and 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 year and 1 month ago by Meow

Borger day event!!

May 28th is National Hamburger day! Please celebrate with this new event


Draw any official nyaanpon or nyampura with a hamburger! Earn cherries and this award


The event will last 2 weeks, there will be 2 winners and each will get a Cosmic MYO!