[Closed] GA batch 1

Posted 7 months and 2 weeks ago :: Last edited 7 months and 1 week ago by Meow
OTA: MUN-202[Closed]
Design: sunpurr ・ Art: sunpurr
Autobuy: $25

OTA: TAE-031[Closed]
Design: sunpurr ・ Art: sunpurr
Autobuy: $25

OTA: NYAM-058[Closed]
Design: sunpurr ・ Art: sunpurr
Autobuy: $25

OTA: NYA-555[Closed]
Design: sunpurr ・ Art: sunpurr
Autobuy: $25

payment through paypal or Kofi


Other than money, most interested in PSP MYOs/currency, characters, and art



! Offer here !!


Shakespear Avatar

I could offer a few trait items as well as cherries for tae-031.

2024-07-14 14:50:41

anni3bytez Avatar
anni3bytez Staff Member

For mun-0316 I can offer a party mixer from my myo slots ! Sorry but I can't do the quazar or shooting star! Will do multiple, and can also offer a character lower down on my characters list ! 

2024-07-12 00:15:20

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