
Bone Horns

Bone Horns (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Head
Species: Nyaanpons
Horns that are made from sections of bone


Added with Ancient Candies

Fish Bone Tail

Fish Bone Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons
an entire fish skeleton for a tail. separate from bone tail


Added with Roasted Salmon
Bone Tail

Bone Tail (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie subtype)
sections of bone or 1 bone as a tail. can not be a whole skeleton


Added with Ancient Snake Fossil
Bone Tail(TAE)

Bone Tail(TAE) (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Tails
Species: Taechies
tail made from exposed bone
Bone Cage

Bone Cage (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
a line of spine and rib bones along the back and/or tail of a nyaanpon


Added with Ancient Spine Fossil
Bone Ridge

Bone Ridge (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
rib bones with no connecting spine bone along a nyaanpon's back 


Added with Ancient Ridge Fossil
6 results found.