
Angel Wings (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Wings
Species: Munchitos
1 pair of Feathered wings

Butterfly Wings(ITO) (Mythical)

Category: Wings
Species: Munchitos
1 pair of butterfly or Moth wings


Added with Frill Cap

Monster Claws (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Monster subtype)
abnormally large claws


Added with Space Rock

Transparency (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
transparent skin making the organs and/or bones visible. can be the whole body or only portions- must be a gradient; no harsh edges


Added with Glow Slug

Spikes (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Insect subtype)
sharp, pointy spikes sticking out all over a nyaanpon's body


Added with Urchin Sushi
Vestigial Limbs

Vestigial Limbs (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Insect subtype)
extra insect limbs protruding anywhere on a nyaanpon's body


Added with Stinger Larve
Plastic/Metal Body

Plastic/Metal Body (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Tamagotchi subtype)
all or sections of a nyaanpons flesh is replaced with plastic or metal


Added with Starglint Ore
Bone Cage

Bone Cage (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
a line of spine and rib bones along the back and/or tail of a nyaanpon


Added with Ancient Spine Fossil

Scales (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
sections of shiny scales on a nyaanpon's flesh. can not cover entire body


Added with Fish Crackers
Plant Growth

Plant Growth (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
any plant growing from a nyaanpon's body


Added with Mysterious Seed

Rot/Decay (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie subtype)
rotting flesh on a nyaanpons body. can expose organs and bones


Added with Wither Fungus

Cerberus(NYA) (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
two to four heads. each head can have different traits


Added with Shattered Mirror
Gummy Body

Gummy Body (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
parts or all of a nyaanpon's body are made from a gelatinous substance


Added with Gummy Snacks
Spine Feelers

Spine Feelers (Common)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
thick, soft, alien antenna-like feelers protruding from a nyaanpons spine and/or tail
Sparkle Guts

Sparkle Guts (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie subtype)
a nyaanpons guts are liquid/goopy and sparkly. it can be displayed seepingn out of large cuts/wounds or sections of the nyaanpon can be severed with sparkle guts trailing between the pieces


Added with Sparkle Tart
Monster Paws

Monster Paws (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
abnormally large paws


Added with Bear Pop
Tech Body

Tech Body (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Tamagotchi subtype)
all or portions of a nyaanpon's body become plastic or metal, and is interfaced with buttons, LCD screens/touchscreens, Loose wires, and glitchy energy


Added with Twisted Wire
Bone Ridge

Bone Ridge (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
rib bones with no connecting spine bone along a nyaanpon's back 


Added with Ancient Ridge Fossil

Spines (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons
dinosaur spine ridge along a nyaanpon's back and tail


Added with Onion Rings
Plush Body

Plush Body (Epic/Exclusive)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Toy subtype)
all or portions of a nyaanpon's flesh are replaced with plush/fabric and stuffing materials. may have a non-metal keychain on their back. May have plush toy tags attatched


Added with Teddy Bear
326 results found.