
Thorax Antenna

Thorax Antenna (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
A set of antenna on the body segments of a munchito. Can be on all, some, or only 1 body segment
Glow Thorax

Glow Thorax (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
Glowing body segments. Can be all, some, or just 1 body segment


Added with Glowing Princess
Fluffy Thorax

Fluffy Thorax (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
A Fluffy body segment. Can be all, some, or 1 body segment
Snail Shell

Snail Shell (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos (Slug (Epic) subtype)
A swirly snail shell on the back of a slug munchito. Can only be used with slug subtype
Turtle Shell

Turtle Shell (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos (Slug (Epic) subtype)
A smooth, round shell on the back of a slug munchito. Can only be used with slug subtype
Shell Spikes

Shell Spikes (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos (Slug (Epic) subtype)
Spikes/horns on a slug munchitos shell
Beetle Arm

Beetle Arm (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
A set of Mantis like arms with a split at the ends
Item Shell

Item Shell (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos (Slug (Epic) subtype)
A custom item in place of a shell for a slug munchito. Can only be used with slug subtype
Wolf Coat

Wolf Coat (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
extra Fluffy, long fur on all or portions of a nyampura's body


Added with Sweet Syrup
Lamb Coat

Lamb Coat (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
Tightly curled fur coat on all or portions of a nyampura's body


Added with Savory Syrup
Mist Coat

Mist Coat (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
Loose and Wispy long fur on all or portions of a nyampura's body


Added with Savory Syrup
Mantis Cape

Mantis Cape (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
Draping segments on the thorax - resembles a cape
Shrimp Tail

Shrimp Tail (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
A shrimp or Lobster like tail 
Fur Boots

Fur Boots (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
longer, fluffy fur on a nyampura's lower legs or paws


Added with Sweet Syrup

Paws (Epic)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos
Spider Arm

Spider Arm (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Munchitos

Ripped (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Taechies
Ripped patches on a taechie's body, exposing their shadow underneath

Parasite (Special)

Category: Body
Species: Nyaanpons (Zombie (Epic) subtype)
Gives your nyaanpon a worm-like parasite infestation. can be 1 to 5 worms. Can appear anywhere on the head/body. any rotten/torn flesh must be kept to the eye area unless using rot/decay


Related items: 
Flare Mane

Flare Mane (Mythical)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
two large, flowy tufts of fur on a nyampura's chest


Added with Spicy Syrup
Flare Paws

Flare Paws (Rare)

Category: Body
Species: Nyampura
long, flowy fur on a nyampura's lower legs or paws


Added with Savory Syrup
335 results found.